Friday, 24 October 2014

I analysed the Your Body video by Christina Aguilera. I like the idea of her using the remote control at the end to turn the "TV" off but also turns the camera off and the video ends. This is a good effect, showing 'synchronised narrative'.

I like this effect. I really want to use it in my video but I'm not sure how yet, I will try and incorporate this into my storyboard... The pictures below show her 1) using the remote to turn the Tv off, 2) the TV going off and 3) as a consequence the video ends. This all happens in less than 2 seconds.

Research into Similar Products - Justin Timberlake Video Analysis

Research Into Similar Products - Video analysis of Booty

This scene is one of my favourites from the video. Jennifer Lopez is shown via a canted angle. This shows the crazy nature of her, her personality and the video. The dripping wall behind her adds a sense of sexuality and adds more to the tone of the video. Her plain black clothing adds to the dark, sensual tone and her bright red lipsticks shows a feminine side and the fact she doesn't look at the camera  intrigues the viewer.

This is an amazing two shot, showing Iggy and Jennifer Lopez together. As they are the two artists performing in the video it's good to see the feminism by them dancing and singing together. The damp, dark room they're in adds a sense of mystery. The setting is part of the mise-en-scene and adds a touch of mystery and class to the video.

Monday, 20 October 2014

Organisation - Changed Song Titles

These are the new song titles for my new album.
I asked a few friends if they liked the new names of the tracks and they all agreed they were appropriate and different to the real ones.

This table shows the original song titles from Sam Smith's released album, "In the Lonely Hour."
The column on the right shows the new song titles I have chosen to put on my album "Empty Words."

Friday, 17 October 2014

Research into Target Audience - SurveyMonkey Survey 

Response to Feedback - Blog Tracker

This is the blog post tracker that was made to monitor the amount of blog posts we're making, and ensuring they are correctly titled. I have a total of 17 relevant blog posts that are clearly labelled. I have 4 Blog Posts referencing Research Into Similar Products / Artists      -      I have 1 good Blog Post referencing Target Audience       -       I have created 4 Blog Posts about Organisation and 8 Blog Posts created to display Drafting and Planning.

In the future, I will try and create more blog posts about my target audience, by creating a survey into target audience (on Survey Monkey) and also conducting interviews to see what people would expect to see / enjoy in a music video.
I will try and avoid the creation of the DigiPak as it's not a good idea to create this until production is under-way. I will stick to the minimum of 3 blog posts per week in order to get the best grade possible and in order to create a good blog for my Pop Music Video.

Thursday, 16 October 2014

Changing Song Titles

The OCR exam board said it would be essential to change the name of the Album and the Track Titles, but not the name of the artist. We are allowed to use the Artist’s FACE, and the name of the artist but must change track titles and album name, to avoid confusion and to make the requesting process easier. Artist Name: Sam Smith Photo:

Requesting Permission for Copyright of Song and Titles Use

Still waiting for feedback from the CORRECT recording label. I initially e-mailed Universal Records. They said it's not them, it's Capitol. So I e-mailed Capitol. They said it's not them... They told me to e-mail a lady called Sarah Keegan (who works for Unique Recordings) She said it's not her, so she gave me the website, e-mail address and phone number for PMS (no, it's not what you think!) and I am waiting for a reply from them. Won't be long!

Research into Similar Products - Album Cover Analysis

Thursday, 2 October 2014

Drafting and Planning

This is one of the final stages of my development as I really want to get story-boarding and recording now and putting these designs to the test !
This is what I want the original CD designs look like (more photos to be uploaded as I know own the album myself) and more concrete analysis of the video and my designs to be done.

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Drafting and Planning - DigiPak (Left-Inside)

As the viewer opens the album, from viewing the broken glass cover in a black and white / clear style, they will see a shot of a forest at dusk in black and white too, containing shadows and dim light poking through the bare trees. This photograph will be taken by me, and the photo below is just an example. I liked this setting as it creates a sense of loneliness, solitude and sombreness. The black and white visual helps create a sense of memory which is one of the main themes of the album.

Below is the image that inspired me, and this image will appear on the LEFT of the open album, on the final page of the booklet as you see it open!